viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Playing with the reality in " Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Twelfh Night"

By reading "Twelfh Night" and taking Viola's character as point of analysis, we can see how difficult  it can turn for a reader to get the play that Shakespeare use between reality and the appearance of this character.
Shakespeare tended to play with the construction of characters using disguises, as we can read in a previous post.
In Twelf Night, is Viola, a female character who dresses up like a man, who plays with the appearances entangled reality, in which she feels in love with Orsino, but as she plays a man character, she cannot tell anything about her secret love.
Now, in the case of " A Midsummer Night's Dream", the way in which we can grasp the idea of playing with the reality, is the fact that Titania believes that she in in love with Bottom , while he has taken the form of a donkey.
Shakespeare worked with the idea that people tend to feel in love with the ones that are beautiful to them; however, we have to consider and make a connection  with what happens to us even nowadays when we feel in love with someone at a moment in our life and later on, she or he can turn not only into a unattractive person to us, but also he or she can generate a repellent feeling.
Even tough we do not use real " mascaras" for hiding our personalities, we do tend to adequate our behavior in order to approach someone and maybe make them believe that we are something more than what we actually are.
I would also like to share with you a song that I've found that talks about the way in which people tend to hide themselves because they are afraid of showing their real personality.

2 comentarios:

  1. I completely agree with you Maria Jose. Using masks is something more common that what we even can think about, the reasons why we do it are not that clear but I would dare to say that the main one is to look for people's approval. In the case of "Twelfh Night", Viola had to turned into a man to be approved as an Orsino's page. The problem with using masks and pretending to be something that we are not, is that in someway or another our real personality will come out maybe because we will get tired of acting all the time or also because we will get caught. Neither of both seem good to me. So, I think that accepting ourselves is really important as well as understanding that being different is good.
