jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Revenge or Justice?

Revenge or justice?

Hello everyone,
As we have seen throughout all this semester, William Shakespeare was a pioneer in his time because his plays were completely different from any play that had seen at that time. He created new phrases and word trying to explore the human nature. Hamlet is Shakespeare’s most famous character maybe due to his famous line: “to be or not to be”, and maybe because it's a play where revenge is one of its main themes.

Most of the plays during the Elizabethan era were a typical tragedy with twist and turns that keep the audience attention. Hamlet is an example of a revenge tragedy of the Elizabethan theater era because it deals with the theme of murder (Hamlet’s Father) and conflict. Revenge in the play began when Hamlet becomes convinced of Claudius’ guilt in relation to the murder of his father.

But in real life, why people seek revenge? Who are the people that seek revenge? According to the American Psychological Association, people who are more revengeful are those who are motivated by power and by the desire for status. In this sense, people with authoritarian attitudes are the ones who are more likely to be vengeful. But if revenge can’t make us feel better, so why people are willing punish someone? Maybe is because within the revenge there is a sense of justice that could be hidden. It is something that provides a way to keep order just like in Hamlet's play.

What do you think? Why some people are able to seek revenge?


- American Psychological Association. Revenge and the people who seek it: http://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/06/revenge.aspx

- Peter Mercer, Hamlet and the Acting of Revenge 

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello Miguel.
    I have to say that I totally agree with what you say in the sense that people seek revenge looking for that sense of justice and self respect. If that is not the case, I see no sense on pursuing revenge.
    Just like in Hamlet, the sense of revenge is to make someone (his father's ghost in this case) feel proud of us; which will ease our soulf and make us feel in peace with ourselves.
    However, revenge can bring bad consequences which usually come when,as you mentioned, people want to gain authority and status.
    Revenge is a dangerous issue tht must be donde carefully and with a good purpose, otherwise someone else's revenge may come to ruin your life.

  2. Hi Miguel,
    I agree with what you have said on your post. I think that revenge might be hiding some sort of anger for justice and power. I think that people that seek for revenge are the ones that think of themselves as extremely important, or in other words, those who are very selfish. I also think that revenge can drive those seeking for it to a terribly bad ending, just like Hamlet.
    Sometimes, people can be blind by this anger of revenge and that can lead to really bad things.
    Maybe it is better to let things happen and don't worry about them because that can be even worse for us.


  3. I don't know if I am right or wrong but I think that revenge implies violence and madness in the sense of damaging another person's integrity. This concept is more emotional; involves blindness.
    Justice, on the other hand, has to do with consciously fighting for something, it is more rational and its main purpose is to find balance.
    It is very difficult to differentiate both concepts, but I am pretty sure that in Shakespeare's plays revenge is the concept that predominates...specially in "Hamlet".

  4. I tally with Giani Miau's posture about revenge. It is usually described as an act of pure violence (physically or emotionally), trying to making someone else to suffer. Sadly, the one who seeks revenge is usually blinded by a huge feeling of sadness, shame, wrath among others, turning them into very dark characters with a dark aim. However, REVENGE and JUSTICE cannot be conceived in the same cradle because of the nature of each concept. It is not possible to seek revenge under the pretext of demanding justice.

    That's why no one is able to seek revenge without consequences. It involves you in a circle of pure hatred without ending, even heroes. Hamlet found his fate at the end of his revenge.
