Yesterday, I was talking to Antonella and she asked me "what do you think it would have happened if Romeo and Juliet would have had WhatsApp?" Well, first I laughed at her but then I realized that it was a really good question to introduce the topic of my post.
If Romeo and Juliet would have had WhatsApp, I think that they would not have been together anyway because that is not the way that it was meant to be.
As it is stated in the prologue of the play they were "a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life," which means that fate had control over them. Fate is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as "a power that some people believe controls what will happen" and it is commonly related to the star's will. In the play, we can see from the beginning how fate surrounds the events that occur to the lovers: they belong to families that hate each other. Then the accidents that ruin Friar Lawrence's plans to help Juliet not to marry Paris without disobeying her father, and at the end, the unopportune awakening of Juliet just after Romeo's suicide.
Fate controled the lovers; it was a powerful force that carry them to death. So as much as Romeo and Juliet would have organized their escape by texting each other, they would not have made it. I think that maybe Romeo's phone would have been out of battery or something tragic.
What do you think about the inevitable fate in the play? Do you believe it is a force present in your life too?